
Bernard Tourancheau

Professeur Université Grenoble Alpes (Joseph Fourier)

Bernard Tourancheau got MSc in Apply Maths from Grenoble University in 1986 and a MSc in Renewable Energy Science and Technology from Loughborough University in 2007. He was awarded best Computer Science PhD by Institut National Polytechnique of Grenoble in 1989 for his work on Parallel Computing for Distributed Memory Architectures.
Working for the LIP laboratory, he was appointed assistant professor at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon in 1989 before joining CNRS as a Senior Researcher. After initiating a CNRS-NSF collaboration, he worked two and half years on leave at the University of Tennessee on a senior researcher position with the US Center for Research in Parallel Computation at the ICL laboratory.
He then took a Professor position at University of Lyon in 1995 where he created a research laboratory and the INRIA EPI RESO, specialized in High Speed Networking and HPC Clusters.
In 2001, he joined SUN Microsystems Laboratories for a 6 years sabbatical as a Principal Investigator in the DARPA HPCS project where he lead the backplane networking group.
Back in academia he oriented his research on sensor and actuator networks for building energy efficiency at LIP and CITI labs and associated INRIA EPI.
He was appointed Professor at University Joseph Fourier of Grenoble in 2012. Since then, he is developing research at the LIG laboratory Drakkar team about protocols and architectures for sensor networks and their applications to energy efficiency in buildings as well as GPGPU algorithms’ optimization.
He has authored more than an hundred peer-reviewed publications and owns 8 patents.

Recent publications

All publications.

Guillaume Mandil, Sandrine Allain, Renaud Bécot, Elena M. Barbu, Adrien Bidaud, Denis Dupré, Catherine Figuière, Basile Hector, Olivier Gallot-Lavallée, Sabine Girard, Jacques Lolive, Pierre-Yves Longaretti, Florence Maraninchi, Gérémy Panthou, Maud Rio, Julie Riegel, Christophe Roncato Tounsi, Caroline Rossi, Bernard Tourancheau
Anthropocène : Plan B, création de connaissances pour répondre aux enjeux sociétaux de manière soutenable dans les limites planétaires
Ulysse Coutaud, Martin Heusse, Bernard Tourancheau
LoRa Channel Characterization for Flexible and High Reliability Adaptive Data Rate in Multiple Gateways Networks
Computers, 2021, 10 (4), pp.44. ⟨10.3390/computers10040044⟩
Timothy Claeys, Mališa Vučinić, Thomas Watteyne, Franck Rousseau, Bernard Tourancheau
Performance of the Transport Layer Security Handshake Over 6TiSCH
Sensors, 2021, 21 (6), pp.2192. ⟨10.3390/s21062192⟩
Ulysse Coutaud, Martin Heusse, Bernard Tourancheau
High Reliability in LoRaWAN
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. PIMRC20., Aug 2020, London (virtual conference), United Kingdom. ⟨10.1109/PIMRC48278.2020.9217220⟩
Ulysse Coutaud, Martin Heusse, Bernard Tourancheau
Fragmentation and Forward Error Correction for LoRaWAN small MTU networks
International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, {EWSN}, Feb 2020, Lyon, France. pp.289--294
Ulysse Coutaud, Martin Heusse, Bernard Tourancheau
Adaptive Data Rate for Multiple Gateways LoRaWAN Networks
2020 16th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)(50308), Oct 2020, Thessaloniki, Greece. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/WiMob50308.2020.9253425⟩

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