
Vincent Roca, Franck Rousseau (Eds.)

Interactive Multimedia and Next Generation Networks, Second International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems (MIPS 2004)

LNCS 3311, Springer. Grenoble, France. November 16-19, 2004

Tuesday 16 November 2004


Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems (IDMS) and Protocols for Multimedia Systems (PROMS) have been two successful series of international events bringing together researchers, developers and practitioners from academia and industry in all areas of multimedia systems. These two workshops successfully merged in 2003 and now constitute the MIPS workshop.

After the outstanding MIPS 2003 workshop, organized in Naples, Italy, by Giorgio Ventre and Roberto Canonico, from the University of Naples Federico II, MIPS 2004 moved to Grenoble, France. Following the great tradition, MIPS 2004 was intended to contribute to scientific, strategic and practical advances in the area of distributed multimedia applications, protocols and intelligent management tools, with emphasis on their provision over novel network architectures.

This is undoubtedly a rather broad area, which is confirmed by the large range of topics that were addressed in the submitted (and accepted) papers. This year the Call for Papers attracted 74 submissions, essentially from Europe and Asia, plus a few contributions from North America, the Middle East, and Africa, for a total of 20 countries. We would like to express our warmest gratitude to all the authors, without whom organizing this event would have been impossible!

Thanks to the outstanding work of the Program Committee and the additional reviewers, 20 full-sized papers and 5 additional short papers were finally accepted, which was not an easy task. Like MIPS 2003, MIPS 2004 remained a highly selective event (33% acceptance ratio, including the short papers) which is the best warrant of a good program quality. Additionally, all accepted papers were carefully shepherded by some members of the Program Committee, in order to warrant a high quality to the papers included in this proceedings. We want to warmly acknowledge the hard and never sufficiently rewarded work done by the Program Committee, the additional reviewers, and the shepherds. Thanks to all of you!

The 25 selected papers were organized into 9 single-track sessions: VoIP and audio transport, video encoding (I and II), multi-source multimedia, multicasting and broadcasting, scheduling schemes, content management, multimedia services and, last but not least, security. This rich program was nonetheless coherent, and many (if not most) papers were written with transmission and networking aspects in mind, which remains, historically, an important field of interest of many contributors and members of the Steering and Program Committees.

The MIPS 2004 workshop featured two half-day, outstanding tutorials. The first one was given by Prof. Vera Goebel and Thomas Plageman, from Oslo University, and was entitled “Data Stream Management Systems (DSMS): Concepts, Prototypes, and Applications.” The fundamental difference with a classical database system is the data stream model. Instead of processing a query over a persistent set of data that is stored in advance on disk, queries are performed in DSMSs over a data stream, with data elements that arrive dynamically and are only available for a limited time period.

The second tutorial was given by Rod Walsh, Toni Paila and Harsh Meta, three leading industrial experts very active in several international standardization organizations, and working at Nokia Corporation, Finland. Their tutorial, entitled “Advances in Mass Media Delivery to Mobiles,” gave a state of the art of the current standardization efforts surrounding the area of Mass Media Delivery for mobile devices, in particular at the IETF, 3GPP and DVB. We would like to thank these five tutorial authors for their work and believe that these two tutorials perfectly complemented MIPS technical program.

Finally we would like to express our gratitude to all organizations and companies that supported MIPS 2004 in one way or another: first of all, the INRIA institute that accepted all the financial risks, and managed many technical details thanks to the inestimable help of Daniele Herzog. We would also like to thank the IMAG institute as well as the INPG for their technical and financial support. France Télécom R&D and ST Microelectronics also had a major impact on this event, both from a financial and human aspect. Finally we would like to thank ACM for the confidence they expressed in the quality of this workshop. We hope all participants really appreciated this workshop and found it useful.

November 2004

Vincent Roca and Franck Rousseau


	editor = {Roca, Vincent and Rousseau, Franck},
	title = {Interactive Multimedia and Next Generation Networks, Second International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems (MIPS 2004)},
	publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
	issn = {0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online)},
	isbn = {978-3-540-23928-4},
	volume = 3311,
	doi = {10.1007/b103343},
	series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
	month = Nov # {~16--19},
	year = 2004,
	subject_collection = {Computer Science},

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