PhD thesis
Friday 12 June 2009
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Grenoble INP and LIG Laboratory invite applications for the following position:
– 1 PhD student position (36 months)
The French minister gave a grant for working on wireless mesh networks in multichannel and multi-interface environments. The PhD thesis will study routing and MAC layer and will investigate cross-layer aspects. The proposed solution will be evaluated experimentally.
Applicants should have experience/knowledge in the following research areas:
– Network protocols
– Wireless networks, especially IEEE 802.11
– C programming skills
– distributed algorithms
Closing date for applications: July 1st, 2009
Contacts :
– Andrzej DUDA
Applicants should send before the deadline:
– a detailed curriculum
– list of publications
– a research statement
– a 2 pages overview of their master thesis
– at least 1 recommendation letter from the master supervisor, and eventually other references
Applicant could take a look on: