
CLOSED: Wireless sensor networks for urban environments

Post Doc

Friday 12 June 2009

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

Grenoble INP and LIG Laboratory invite applications for the following position:

 1 post-doctorate position (18 months)

The applicants will work in the [Senscity–>article365] project on Wireless Sensor Networks for urban networks. The objective of the [Senscity–>article365] project is to consider urban aspects of wireless sensor networks: MAC optimization, energy efficient routing protocols, topology control.

Applicants should have experience/knowledge in the following research areas:
 Network protocols
 Wireless networks, especially sensor networks, ZigBee, 802.11
 C programming skills
 distributed algorithms

Closing date for applications: July 1st, 2009

Contacts :
 Andrzej DUDA

Applicants should send a detailed curriculum and publications by mail before the deadline.

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