
Nazim Abdeddaim, Fabrice Theoleyre, Franck Rousseau, Andrzej Duda

Multi-Channel Cluster Tree for 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks

In Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC’12). Sydney, Australia, September 9-12, 2012

Sunday 9 September 2012


  author={Abdeddaim, Nazim and Theoleyre, Fabrice and Rousseau, Franck and Duda, Andrzej},
  title={{Multi-Channel Cluster Tree for 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks}},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'12)},
  address={Sydney, Australia}

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