
Ghalem Boudour, Martin Heusse and Andrzej Duda

An Enhanced Capture Scheme for IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks

In proceedings of IEEE ICC 2013 (International Conference on Communications) - 9-13 june, Budapest, Hungary

Monday 10 June 2013

In wireless sensor networks, the PHY layers use robust modulations and spread spectrum techniques as in IEEE 802.15.4, which often allows to capture a frame successfully even if it collides with another transmission. In this work, we propose a enhanced capture scheme that takes into account both SINR and the collision timing for the switching decision. We have carried out extensive simulations to evaluate the performance gains compared to the MiM scheme. The simulation results show that the proposed capture scheme results in a substantial improvement of the frame reception ratio, as well as fairness.

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