Gabriele Romaniello
PhD thesis
Recent publications
Liviu-Octavian Varga, Gabriele Romaniello, Malisa Vucinic, Michel Favre, Andrei Banciu, Roberto Guizzetti, Christophe Planat, Pascal Urard, Martin Heusse, Franck Rousseau, Olivier Alphand, Étienne Dublé, and Andrzej Duda.
GreenNet: an Energy Harvesting IP-enabled Wireless Sensor Network.
Internet of Things Journal, IEEE, Issue: 99, April 2015.
Malisa Vucinic, Gabriele Romaniello, Laurene Guelorget, Bernard Tourancheau, Franck Rousseau, Olivier Alphand, Andrzej Duda, Laurent Damon.
Topology Construction in RPL Networks over Beacon-Enabled 802.15.4.
Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Madeira, Portugal, June 2014.
Gabriele Romaniello, Emmanouil Potetsianakis, Olivier Alphand, Roberto Guizzetti and Andrzej Duda.
Fast and Energy-Efficient Topology Construction in Multi-Hop Multi-Channel 802.15.4 Networks.
In Proceedings of IEEE WIMOB (Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications), Lyon, France, October 7-9, 2013.