
Mališa Vučinić

  1. Mališa Vučinić. Architectures and Protocols for Secure and Energy-Efficient Integration of Wireless Sensor Networks with the Internet of Things. PhD, November 2015.
  2. Malisa Vucinic, Bernard Tourancheau, Franck Rousseau, Andrzej Duda, Laurent Damon, Roberto Guizzetti. OSCAR: Object security architecture for the Internet of Things. Ad Hoc Networks, Elsevier, 32:3-16, September 2015.
  3. Malisa Vucinic, Bernard Tourancheau, Thomas Watteyne, Franck Rousseau, Andrzej Duda, Roberto Guizzetti, Laurent Damon. DTLS Performance in Duty-Cycled Networks. International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC - 2015), Hong-Kong, China, Aug 2015.
  4. Liviu-Octavian Varga, Gabriele Romaniello, Malisa Vucinic, Michel Favre, Andrei Banciu, Roberto Guizzetti, Christophe Planat, Pascal Urard, Martin Heusse, Franck Rousseau, Olivier Alphand, Étienne Dublé, and Andrzej Duda. GreenNet: an Energy Harvesting IP-enabled Wireless Sensor Network. Internet of Things Journal, IEEE, Issue: 99, April 2015.
  5. Malisa Vucinic, Gabriele Romaniello, Laurene Guelorget, Bernard Tourancheau, Franck Rousseau, Olivier Alphand, Andrzej Duda, Laurent Damon. Topology Construction in RPL Networks over Beacon-Enabled 802.15.4. Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Madeira, Portugal, June 2014.
  6. Malisa Vucinic, Bernard Tourancheau, Franck Rousseau, Andrzej Duda, Laurent Damon, Roberto Guizzetti. OSCAR: Object Security Architecture for the Internet of Things. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2014), Sydney, Australia, June 2014.
  7. Malisa Vucinic, Bernard Tourancheau, Franck Rousseau, Andrzej Duda, Laurent Damon, Roberto Guizzetti. Energy cost of security in an energy-harvested IEEE 802.15. 4 Wireless Sensor Network. In Proceedings of the 3rd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO). 15-19 June 2014, Budva, Montenegro.
  8. Mališa Vučinić, Bernard Tourancheau, and Andrzej Duda. Performance Comparison of the RPL and LOADng Routing Protocols in a Home Automation Scenario. Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), IEEE, April 7-10 2013, Shanghai, China.
  9. Malisa Vucinic, Bernard Tourancheau, Andrzej Duda. Simulation of a Backward Compatible IEEE 802.11g Network: Access Delay and Throughput Performance Degradation. Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing - MECO 2012.

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