Bernard Tourancheau
- auteur
Guillaume Mandil,
Sandrine Allain,
Renaud Bécot,
Elena M. Barbu,
Adrien Bidaud,
Denis Dupré,
Catherine Figuière,
Basile Hector,
Olivier Gallot-Lavallée,
Sabine Girard,
Jacques Lolive,
Pierre-Yves Longaretti,
Florence Maraninchi,
Geremy Panthou,
Maud Rio,
Julie Riegel,
Christophe Roncato Tounsi,
Caroline Rossi,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Anthropocène : Plan B, création de connaissances pour répondre aux enjeux sociétaux de manière soutenable dans les limites planétaires
- article
- 2021
- auteur
Ulysse Coutaud,
Martin Heusse,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- LoRa Channel Characterization for Flexible and High Reliability Adaptive Data Rate in Multiple Gateways Networks
- article
- Computers, 2021, 10 (4), pp.44. ⟨10.3390/computers10040044⟩
- auteur
Timothy Claeys,
Mališa Vučinić,
Thomas Watteyne,
Franck Rousseau,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Performance of the Transport Layer Security Handshake Over 6TiSCH
- article
- Sensors, 2021, 21 (6), pp.2192. ⟨10.3390/s21062192⟩
- auteur
Ulysse Coutaud,
Martin Heusse,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- High Reliability in LoRaWAN
- article
- IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. PIMRC20., Aug 2020, London (virtual conference), United Kingdom. ⟨10.1109/PIMRC48278.2020.9217220⟩
- auteur
Ulysse Coutaud,
Martin Heusse,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Fragmentation and Forward Error Correction for LoRaWAN small MTU networks
- article
- International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, {EWSN}, Feb 2020, Lyon, France. pp.289--294
- auteur
Ulysse Coutaud,
Martin Heusse,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Adaptive Data Rate for Multiple Gateways LoRaWAN Networks
- article
- 2020 16th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)(50308), Oct 2020, Thessaloniki, Greece. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/WiMob50308.2020.9253425⟩
- auteur
Takwa Attia,
Martin Heusse,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Andrzej Duda
- titre
- Experimental Characterization of LoRaWAN Link Quality
- article
- IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Dec 2019, Waikoloa, United States
- auteur
Timothy Claeys,
Franck Rousseau,
Boris Simunovic,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Faire évader secrètement des données d'un réseau BLE sécurisé
- article
- Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l’Évaluation de Performance et l’Expérimentation des Réseaux de Communication, Jun 2019, Saint Laurent de la Cabrerisse, France
- auteur
Takwa Attia,
Martin Heusse,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Andrzej Duda
- titre
- Experimental Characterization of Packet Reception Rate in LoRaWAN
- article
- Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l’Évaluation de Performance et l’Expérimentation des Réseaux de Communication, Jun 2019, Narbonne, France
- auteur
Valentina Di Vincenzo,
Martin Heusse,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Improving Downlink Scalability in LoRaWAN
- article
- IEEE International Conference on Communications, May 2019, Shanghai, China. ⟨10.1109/ICC.2019.8761157⟩
- auteur
Timothy Claeys,
Franck Rousseau,
Boris Simunovic,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Thermal Covert Channel in Bluetooth Low Energy Networks
- article
- ACM WiSec 2019, May 2019, Miami, FL, United States. ⟨10.1145/3317549.3319730⟩
- auteur
Ulysse Coutaud,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Channel Coding for Better QoS in LoRa Networks
- article
- 2018 14th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), Oct 2018, Limassol, Cyprus. ⟨10.1109/WiMOB.2018.8589121⟩
- auteur
Olivier Alphand,
Michele Amoretti,
Timothy Claeys,
Simone Dall 'Asta,
Andrzej Duda,
Gianluigi Ferrari,
Franck Rousseau,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Luca Veltri,
Francesco Zanichelli
- titre
- IoTChain: A Blockchain Security Architecture for the Internet of Things
- article
- IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Apr 2018, Barcelona, Spain
- auteur
Minh-Quan Ho,
Christian Obrecht,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Benoît Dupont de Dinechin,
Julien Hascoet
- titre
- Improving 3D Lattice Boltzmann Method stencil with asynchronous transfers on many-core processors
- article
- 36th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC 2017), Dec 2017, San Diego, United States
- auteur
Mališa Vučinić,
Michał Król,
Baptiste Jonglez,
Titouan Coladon,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Trickle-D: High Fairness and Low Transmission Load with Dynamic Redundancy
- article
- IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2017, ⟨10.1109/jiot.2017.2650318⟩
- auteur
Timothy Claeys,
Franck Rousseau,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Andrzej Duda
- titre
- Clock Drift Prediction for Fast Rejoin in 802.15.4e TSCH Networks
- article
- 26th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), Jul 2017, Vancouver, BC, Canada. ⟨10.1109/ICCCN.2017.8038401⟩
- auteur
Timothy Claeys,
Franck Rousseau,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Securing Complex IoT Platforms with Token Based Access Control and Authenticated Key Establishment
- article
- International Workshop on Secure Internet of Things (SIOT), Sep 2017, Oslo, Norway
- auteur
Minh-Quan Ho,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Christian Obrecht,
Benoît Dupont de Dinechin,
Jérôme Reybert
- titre
- MPI communication on MPPA Many-core NoC: design, modeling and performance issues
- article
- ParCo 2015, Sep 2015, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. ⟨10.3233/978-1-61499-621-7-113⟩
- auteur
Fatma Gara,
Leila Ben Saad,
Rahma Ben Ayed,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- RPL protocol adapted for healthcare and medical applications
- article
- 2015 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Aug 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia. pp.690--695, ⟨10.1109/IWCMC.2015.7289167⟩
- auteur
Leila Ben Saad,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Lifetime optimization of sensor-cloud systems
- article
- 2015 7th International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), Jul 2015, Paris, France. pp.1--5, ⟨10.1109/NTMS.2015.7266502⟩
- auteur
Mališa Vučinić,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Franck Rousseau,
Andrzej Duda,
Laurent Damon,
Roberto Guizzetti
- titre
- OSCAR: Object security architecture for the Internet of Things
- article
- Ad Hoc Networks, 2015, 32, pp.3-16. ⟨10.1016/j.adhoc.2014.12.005⟩
- auteur
Titouan Coladon,
Mališa Vučinić,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Multiple Redundancy Constants with Trickle
- article
- Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2015 IEEE International Symposium on, Aug 2015, Hong Kong, China
- auteur
Mališa Vučinić,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Thomas Watteyne,
Franck Rousseau,
Andrzej Duda,
Roberto Guizzetti,
Laurent Damon
- titre
- DTLS Performance in Duty-Cycled Networks
- article
- PIMRC 2015 - International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Aug 2015, Hong Kong, China
- auteur
Titouan Coladon,
Mališa Vučinić,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Improving trickle fairness: Locally-calculated redundancy constants
- article
- Protocol Engineering (ICPE) and International Conference on New Technologies of Distributed Systems (NTDS), 2015 International Conference on, 2015, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.1--6
- auteur
Christian Obrecht,
Frédéric Kuznik,
Lucie Merlier,
Jean-Jacques Roux,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Towards aeraulic simulations at urban scale using the lattice Boltzmann method
- article
- Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2015, 15 (4), pp.753-770. ⟨10.1007/s10652-014-9381-0⟩
- auteur
Christian Obrecht,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Frédéric Kuznik
- titre
- Performance Evaluation of an OpenCL Implementation of the Lattice Boltzmann Method on the Intel Xeon Phi
- article
- Parallel Processing Letters, 2015, 25 (03), pp.1541001
- auteur
Mališa Vučinić,
Gabriele Romaniello,
Laurene Guelorget,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Franck Rousseau,
Olivier Alphand,
Andrzej Duda,
Laurent Damon
- titre
- Topology Construction in RPL Networks over Beacon-Enabled 802.15.4
- article
- Computers and Communication (ISCC), 2014 IEEE Symposium on, Jun 2014, Madeira, Portugal. ⟨10.1109/ISCC.2014.6912563⟩
- auteur
Mališa Vučinić,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Franck Rousseau,
Andrzej Duda,
Laurent Damon,
Roberto Guizzetti
- titre
- OSCAR: Object Security Architecture for the Internet of Things
- article
- A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 2014 IEEE 15th International Symposium on, Jun 2014, Sydney, Australia. ⟨10.1109/WoWMoM.2014.6918975⟩
- auteur
Mališa Vučinić,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Franck Rousseau,
Andrzej Duda,
Laurent Damon,
Roberto Guizzetti
- titre
- Energy cost of security in an energy-harvested IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Network
- article
- Proceedings of the 3rd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), 2014, Budva, Montenegro
- auteur
Jack Dongarra,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Introduction for August Special Issue CCDSC
- article
- International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2013, 27 (3), pp.231. ⟨10.1177/1094342013497990⟩
- auteur
Jack Dongarra,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Guest Editors' note: Special Issue on Clusters, Clouds, and Data for Scientific Computing
- article
- Parallel Processing Letters, 2013, 23 (02), pp.1302001-1. ⟨10.1142/S0129626413020015⟩
- auteur
Christian Obrecht,
Frédéric Kuznik,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Jean-Jacques Roux
- titre
- Scalable Lattice Boltzmann Solvers for CUDA GPU Clusters
- article
- Parallel Computing, 2013, 39 (6-7), pp.259-270. ⟨10.1016/j.parco.2013.04.001⟩
- auteur
Mališa Vučinić,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Andrzej Duda
- titre
- Performance Comparison of the RPL and LOADng Routing Protocols in a Home Automation Scenario
- article
- Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2013 IEEE, Apr 2013, Shanghai, China. ⟨10.1109/WCNC.2013.6554867⟩
- auteur
Christian Obrecht,
F. Kuznik,
Bernard Tourancheau,
J.-J. Roux
- titre
- Multi-GPU Implementation of the Lattice Boltzmann Method
- article
- Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2013, 65 (2), pp.252-261. ⟨10.1016/j.camwa.2011.02.020⟩
- auteur
Christian Obrecht,
F. Kuznik,
Bernard Tourancheau,
J.-J. Roux
- titre
- Efficient GPU Implementation of the Linearly Interpolated Bounce-Back Boundary Condition
- article
- Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2013, 65 (6), ⟨10.1016/j.camwa.2012.05.014⟩
- auteur
Cedric Chauvenet,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Denis Genon-Catalot
- titre
- Energy Evaluations for Wireless IPv6 Sensor Nodes
- article
- SENSORCOMM 2013, The Seventh International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications, 2013, Unknown, pp.97--103
- auteur
Christian Obrecht,
F. Kuznik,
Bernard Tourancheau,
J.-J. Roux
- titre
- Multi-GPU Implementation of a Hybrid Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Solver using the TheLMA Framework
- article
- Computers and Fluids, 2013, 80, pp.269-275. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2012.02.014⟩
- auteur
Zheng Hu,
Gilles Privat,
Stéphane Frénot,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Representation and self-configuration of physical entities in extended smart grid perimeter
- article
- IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe Conference, Oct 2012, Berlin, Germany
- auteur
Leila Ben Saad,
Cedric Chauvenet,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) heterogeneous networking infrastructure for energy efficient building
- article
- Energy, 2012, Integration and Energy System Engineering, 44 (1), pp.447-457. ⟨10.1016/⟩
- auteur
Mališa Vučinić,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Andrzej Duda
- titre
- Simulation of a Backward Compatible IEEE 802.11g Network: Access Delay and Throughput Performance Degradation
- article
- Embedded Computing (MECO), 2012 Mediterranean Conference on, Jun 2012, Bar, Montenegro
- auteur
Leila Ben Saad,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Address Allocation Scheme to Improve Lifetime of IPv6 Cluster-based WSNs
- article
- NTMS 2012 - 5th International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.131-135, ⟨10.1109/NTMS.2012.6208699⟩
- auteur
Leila Ben Saad,
Cedric Chauvenet,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Sensor Networks Simulation Studies
- article
- Sensors & Transducers., 2012, 14 (2), pp.79-92
- auteur
Christian Obrecht,
F. Kuznik,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Jean-Jacques Roux
- titre
- The TheLMA project: a thermal lattice Boltzmann solver for the GPU
- article
- Computers and Fluids, 2012, 55, pp.118-126. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2011.10.011⟩
- auteur
Leila Ben Saad,
Cedric Chauvenet,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- IPv6 Heterogeneous Networking Infrastructure for Energy Efficient Building
- article
- Sensors & Transducers., 2012, 14 (2), pp.79-92
- auteur
Zheng Hu,
Gilles Privat,
Stéphane Frénot,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- self-configuration of Home Absraction Layer via sensors and actuators network
- article
- 2nd International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Nov 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- auteur
Zheng Hu,
Gilles Privat,
Stéphane Frénot,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Self-configuration of "Home Abstraction Layer" via Sensor-Actuator Network
- article
- AmI 2011 - 2nd International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Nov 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.146-150, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-25167-2_17⟩
- auteur
Christian Obrecht,
Frédéric Kuznik,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Jean-Jacques Roux
- titre
- Towards Urban-Scale Flow Simulations Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
- article
- Building Simulation 2011 - 12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, Nov 2011, Sydney, Australia. pp.933-940
- auteur
Leila Ben Saad,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Exploiting Addresses Correlation to Maximize Lifetime of IPv6 Cluster-based WSNs
- article
- WiMob, the International conference on wireless and mobile computing, networking and communications, STWiMob workshop, Oct 2011, Sanghai, China
- auteur
Leila Ben Saad,
Cedric Chauvenet,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Heterogeneous IPv6 Infrastructure for Smart Energy Efficient Building
- article
- SDEWES, Sep 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia
- auteur
Jack Dongarra,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Selected papers of the Workshop on Clusters, Clouds and Grids for Scientific Computing (CCGSC)
- article
- International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2011, 25 (3), pp.259-260. ⟨10.1177/1094342011414550⟩
- auteur
Leila Ben Saad,
Cedric Chauvenet,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Simulation of the RPL Routing Protocol for IPv6 Sensor Networks: two cases studies
- article
- International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications SENSORCOMM 2011, Sep 2011, Nice, France
- auteur
Christian Obrecht,
F. Kuznik,
Bernard Tourancheau,
J.-J. Roux
- titre
- The TheLMA project: Multi-GPU Implementation of the Lattice Boltzmann Method
- article
- International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2011, 25 (3), pp.295-303. ⟨10.1177/1094342011414745⟩
- auteur
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Vers un monde d'objets interconnectés
- article
- 2011
- auteur
Christian Obrecht,
Frédéric Kuznik,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Jean-Jacques Roux
- titre
- Global Memory Access Modelling for Efficient Implementation of the Lattice Boltzmann Method on Graphics Processing Units
- article
- VECPAR, 2011, Porto, Portugal. pp.151--161
- auteur
Leila Ben Saad,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Sinks Mobility Strategy in IPv6-based WSNs for Network Lifetime Improvement
- article
- International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), IFIP, 2011, Paris, France
- auteur
Cedric Chauvenet,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Heterogeneous PLC-RF networking for LLNs
- article
- CFIP 2011 - Colloque Francophone sur l Ingénierie des Protocoles, UTC, May 2011, Sainte Maxime, France
- auteur
Zheng Hu,
Stéphane Frénot,
Bernard Tourancheau,
G. Privat
- titre
- Iterative Model-based Identification of Building Components and Appliances by Means of Sensor-Actuator Networks
- article
- 2011
- auteur
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Introduction aux objets intelligents interconnectés ou M2M
- article
- Séminaire IN'Tech - Internet du futur : objets intelligents interconnectés ou M2M, Jan 2011, Grenoble, France
- auteur
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- IPv6 for Sensors and Actuators in Buildings
- article
- V6 World Congress 2011, Feb 2011, Paris, France
- auteur
Christian Obrecht,
Frédéric Kuznik,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Jean-Jacques Roux
- titre
- Global Memory Access Modelling for Efficient Implementation of the LBM on GPUs
- article
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011, 6449, pp.151-161. ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-19328-6_16⟩
- auteur
Christian Obrecht,
F. Kuznik,
Bernard Tourancheau,
J.-J. Roux
- titre
- TheLMA: a Framework for Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Method on Graphics Processing Units
- article
- 19th Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics 2010, Jul 2010, ROME, Italy
- auteur
Christian Obrecht,
F. Kuznik,
Bernard Tourancheau,
J.-J. Roux
- titre
- Data Transfer Modelling for Efficient Implementation of the Lattice Boltzmann Method on Graphics Processing Units
- article
- VECPAR 2010, Jun 2010, BERKELEY, United States
- auteur
Cedric Chauvenet,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Denis Genon-Catalot
- titre
- 802.15.4, a MAC layer solution for PLC
- article
- The ACS/IEEE Workshop Future Trends on Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (FT-ASN 2010), May 2010, hammamet, Tunisia. 11 p
- auteur
Cedric Chauvenet,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Denis Genon-Catalot,
Pierre-Emmanuel Goudet,
Mathieu Pouillot
- titre
- A communication stack over PLC for multi physical layer IPv6 Networking
- article
- SmartGridCom, 2010, Washington, United States
- auteur
Cedric Chauvenet,
Pierre-Emmanuel Goudet,
Mathieu Pouillot,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Denis Genon-Catalot
- titre
- PLC sensor IPv6 networking interoperabe with WSN
- article
- International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, 2010
- auteur
Leila Ben Saad,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Stratégie de Placement des Puits Mobiles dans les Réseaux de Capteurs sans Fil pour Bâtiments
- article
- JDIR, 2010, Sophia-Antipolois, France
- auteur
Christian Obrecht,
Frédéric Kuznik,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Jean-Jacques Roux
- titre
- A new approach to the lattice Boltzmann method for graphics processing units
- article
- Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2010, ⟨10.1016/j.camwa.2010.01.054⟩
- auteur
Francois Lavoué,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Modeling and Dimensioning Ground Heat Exchangers Principles: Influence of the soil's thermal proprieties
- article
- International Building Performance Simulation Association, IBPSA France, 2010, Moret sur Loing, France
- auteur
Leila Ben Saad,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Multiple Mobile Sinks Positioning in Wireless Sensor Networks for Buildings
- article
- International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SensorComm), 2009, Athenes, Greece. pp.264--270
- auteur
Jack Dongarra,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Special Issue on Clusters and Computational Grids for Scientific Computing
- article
- Jack Dongarra et Bernard Tourancheau. World scientific, pp.100, 2009
- auteur
Bernard Tourancheau,
Yannis Mazzer,
Gérard Krauss,
Valentin Marvan,
Frederic Kuznick
- titre
- Software Calibration of Wirelessly Networked Sensors
- article
- SensorComm 2009 - The Third International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications, 2009, Athènes, Greece. ⟨10.1109/SENSORCOMM.2009.56⟩
- auteur
Yannis Mazzer,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Comparisons of 6LoWPAN Implementations on Wireless Sensor Networks
- article
- SENSORCOMM '09. Third International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications, 2009., 2009, Athènes, Greece. pp.689 -692, ⟨10.1109/SENSORCOMM.2009.111⟩
- auteur
Leila Ben Saad,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Towards an Efficient Positioning of Mobile Sinks in Wireless Sensor Networks inside Buildings
- article
- NTMS - WSN workshop, 2009, Le Caire, Egypt. pp.1 -5
- auteur
Leila Ben Saad,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Towards an Optimal Positioning of Multiple Mobile Sinks in WSNs for Buildings
- article
- International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, 2009, 2 (4), pp.411-421
- auteur
Bernard Tourancheau,
Gerard Krauss,
Richard Blanchard
- titre
- Parametric Sensitivity Study and Optimization of the SDHW and PV Subsystems in an Energy Positive House
- article
- IBPSA, 2008, Villeurbanne, France
- auteur
Yannis Mazzer,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Réseaux de micro-contrôleurs à faible consommation d'énergie embarquant des capteurs : Premières expériences et développement d'une nouvelle interface paramétrable et programmable
- article
- [Rapport Technique] RR-6450, INRIA. 2008, pp.35
- auteur
Cong-Duc Pham,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Editorial: Grid Infrastructures: Practice and Perspectives
- article
- Future Generation Computer Systems, 2005, 21 (2), pp.247--248. ⟨10.1016/J.FUTURE.2003.10.001⟩
- auteur
Fayçal Bouhafs,
Jean-Patrick Gelas,
Laurent Lefèvre,
Moufida Maimour,
Cong-Duc Pham,
Pascale Vicat-Blanc,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Designing and Experimenting an Active Grid architecture
- article
- Future Generation Computer Systems, 2005, 21(2), pp.315-330
- auteur
Faycal Bouhafs,
Jean-Patrick Gelas,
Laurent Lefèvre,
Moufida Maimour,
Cong-Duc Pham,
Pascale Vicat-Blanc,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Designing and Evaluating an Active Grid Architecture
- article
- Future Generation Computer Systems, 2005, 21 (2), pp.315-330. ⟨10.1016/J.FUTURE.2004.09.023⟩
- auteur
Laurent Lefèvre,
E. Lemoine,
Cong-Duc Pham,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Fast Forwarding with Network Processors
- article
- RR-4710, INRIA. 2003
- auteur
Patrick Geoffray,
Cong-Duc Pham,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- A Software Suite for High-Performance Communications on Clusters of SMPs
- article
- Cluster Computing, 2002, 5 (4), pp.353--363. ⟨10.1023/A:1019756120212⟩
- auteur
Laurent Lefèvre,
Cong-Duc Pham,
Pascale Primet,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Benjamin Gaidioz,
Jean-Patrick Gelas,
Moufida Maimour
- titre
- Active Networking Support for the Grid
- article
- IWAN 2001 - Third Annual International Working Conference on Actvie Networks, Sep 2001, Philadelphia, United States. pp.16--33, ⟨10.1007/3-540-45451-9_2⟩
- auteur
Patrick Geoffray,
Cong-Duc Pham,
Loïc Prylli,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Roland Westrelin
- titre
- Protocols and Software for Exploiting Myrinet Clusters
- article
- Computational Science - ICCS 2001, International Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 28-30, 2001. Proceedings, Part I, May 2001, San Francisco, United States. pp.233--242, ⟨10.1007/3-540-45545-0_32⟩
- auteur
G. Piganeau,
R. Westrelin,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Christian Gautier
- titre
- Multiplicative versus additive selection in relation to genome evolution: a simulation study
- article
- Genetical Research, 2001, 78, pp.171-175
- auteur
Patrick Geoffray,
Laurent Lefèvre,
Cong-Duc Pham,
Loïc Prylli,
Olivier Reymann,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Roland Westrelin
- titre
- High-Speed LANs: New Environments for Parallel and Distributed Applications
- article
- Euro-Par '99 Parallel Processing, 5th International Euro-Par Conference, Toulouse, France, August 31 - September 3, 1999, Proceedings, Aug 1999, Toulouse, France. pp.633--642, ⟨10.1007/3-540-48311-X_89⟩
- auteur
Frédéric Desprez,
Stéphane Domas,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Optimization of an LU Factorization Routine Using Communication/Computation Overlap
- article
- [Research Report] RR-3094, INRIA. 1997
- auteur
Loïc Prylli,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Efficient Block Cyclic Data Redistribution
- article
- [Research Report] RR-2766, INRIA. 1996
- auteur
Loïc Prylli,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Distributed Simulation of Parallel Computers
- article
- [Research Report] RR-2767, INRIA. 1996
- auteur
Lionel Brunie,
Serge Chaumette,
Michel Cosnard,
Frédéric Desprez,
Laurent Lefèvre,
Michel Loi,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Xavier Vigouroux,
Makan Pourzandi
- titre
- The LHPC Programming Environment
- article
- Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Environments and Tools for Parallel Scientific Computing, Dec 1994, Townsend, TN, USA, United States
- auteur
Abdelhamid Benaini,
Patrice Quinton,
Yves Robert,
Yannick Saouter,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Synthesis of a new systolic architecture for the algebraic path problem
- article
- Science of Computer Programming, 1990, 15, pp.135-158
- auteur
Yves Robert,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Linear algebra algorithms on distributed memory machines
- article
- Mathematics in Signal Processing II, 1990, Unknown, pp.665-687
- auteur
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Algorithmique parallèle pour les machines à mémoire distribuées (applications aux algorithmes matriciels)
- article
- Modélisation et simulation. Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble - INPG, 1989. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
- auteur
Yves Robert,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- LU and QR factorization on the FPS T Series hypercube
- article
- CONPAR 88, 1989, Unknown, pp.516-525
- auteur
Yves Robert,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Gilles Villard
- titre
- Algorithmes de Gauss et de Jordan sur un anneau de processeurs
- article
- Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série I, Mathématique, 1989, 309, pp.403-406
- auteur
Abdelhamid Benaini,
Yves Robert,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- A new systolic architecture for the algebraic path problem
- article
- Systolic Array Processors, 1989, Unknown, pp.73-82
- auteur
Michel Cosnard,
Yves Robert,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Evaluating speedups on distributed memory architectures
- article
- Parallel Computing, 1989, 10, pp.247-253
- auteur
Abdelhamid Benaini,
Patrice Quinton,
Yves Robert,
Yannick Saouter,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Synthesis of a new systolic architecture for the algebraic path problem
- article
- [Research Report] RR-1094, INRIA. 1989
- auteur
Yves Robert,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Block Gaussian elimination on a hypercube vector multiprocessor
- article
- Revista de Matematicas Aplicadas, 1989, 10, pp.49-69
- auteur
Yves Robert,
Bernard Tourancheau,
Gilles Villard
- titre
- Data allocation strategies for the Gauss and Jordan algorithms on a ring of processors
- article
- Information Processing Letters, 1989, 31, pp.21-29
- auteur
Yves Robert,
Bernard Tourancheau
- titre
- Impact of the architecture topology on data allocation strategies for Gaussian elimination on the hypercube
- article
- 4-th Conf. on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications, 1989, Unknown, pp.693-696