Leyla Toumi
J. Antonio García Macías, Franck Rousseau, Gilles Berger-Sabbatel, Leyla Toumi, and Andrzej Duda.
Quality of Service and Mobility for the Wireless Internet.
In ACM Wireless Networks 9(4):341-352, July 2003.
Leyla Toumi.
Algorithms and mechanisms for quality of service in heterogeneous networks / Algorithmes et mécanismes pour la qualité de service dans des réseaux hétérogènes.
PhD (in french), December 2002.
J. Antonio García-Macías, Franck Rousseau, Gilles Berger-Sabbatel, Leyla Toumi et Andrzej Duda.
Différenciation des services sur les réseaux sans-fil 802.11.
Proc. Colloque francophone sur l’ingénierie des protocoles, Montréal, Canada, 25-30 mai 2002.
J. Antonio García Macías, Franck Rousseau, Gilles Berger-Sabbatel, Leyla Toumi, and Andrzej Duda.
Mobility Management for Providing QoS in Local Area Wireless Networks.
In Proceedings of the Third IFIP WG 6.1 International Working Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS’2001), Kraków, Poland, September 17-19, 2001.
J. Antonio García Macías, Franck Rousseau, Gilles Berger-Sabbatel, Leyla Toumi, and Andrzej Duda.
Quality of Service and Mobility for the Wireless Internet.
In Proceedings of the First ACM Wireless Mobile Internet Workshop (WMI 2001), Rome, Italy, July 21, 2001.